Valley of the Cabbages

Ardchattan Priory is a peaceful spot just off the A828, on the back road round Loch Etive. There has been a garden here for 700 years, and the house itself incorporates parts of the old Priory. You can still see more ruins in the garden of this lovely private house, to the right of this picture.

The Priory was built in 1230 by Sir Duncan MacDougall for the Valliscaulian order, the mother house being in the Val des Choux in Burgundy. In case your French is as good as mine, this means Valley of the Cabbages. Not a cabbage in sight today (although the kitchen garden is private) but lovely quiet grounds close to the loch. Idyllic wouldn’t be too strong a word for it…..

Then on to the Ben Lora café in Benderloch for one of their cheerful teas. They must be the friendliest café proprietors in Argyll. They sell books as well as teas, my absolutely best combination ….

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