As Mam used to say...

"AY! The things I do for other folk's bairns."
I found this article wandering vaguely in the wet by the back-door. It wouldn't be approached too near.
Stage 1. Throw a little seed on the deck.
Stage 2. Persuade it a dish held more and was easier to get at.
Stage 3. GRAB it. It was, (another of Mam's sayings) "Nobbut a rackle o' bones".
It lived in the box over night, was released just after lunch, came back to be fed at tea-time and was here next day, etc.
I, finally, recaptured it on Saturday, intending to take it 4-5 mls up the motorway to the next (Penrith N.) junction.
Pillock that I am I actually took it a further 4-5mls up the A6, set the food on the deck, grabbed the wee beasty and placed it next the food.
Thinks "Bugger this for a game of toy soldiers, I'm off before he gets me again!"
Away North like a battoota hell, WHOA! Circle back, gaining altitude, zig & zag a bit in a kinda Northish direction.
Then ... AWAYyyyyyy like an arrow, gaining height till lost from view.

Result!! I hope. Not seen it since.

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