The story so far...


Stress and mess

Today started appallingly! Cam was in the worst mood ever: screaming, head butting and just a real pain in the bum. But during one of the rather loud screams mummy spotted it, the angry white edge of a premolar and one on the other side to match. Two big teeth=one angry, in pain boy. A dose of calpol and a 3 hour nap helped sort him out so we ventured to messy play. Cam took the 'dress for mess' slogan literally and covered himself in paint whilst painting his fish. He then had a great time playing in the sandpit, rolling out play dough and splashing water everywhere! It worked as a great distraction but didn't last when we got home and another dose of drugs and a 2 hour nap temporarily restored calm until bedtime. I just hope he sleeps well tonight!

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