Jax and co.

By indusriver

probably a shot of sienna!

Continuing to be devoid of time...so much for school holidays making life a little less hectic - it just means that in order to work I now transport the kids to different and more far flung venues than their schools!

Anyway here is a late night snap of wild child. She likes to think that she is incredibly 'grown up' but this afternoon's conversation with a slightly older girl had me silently chuckling to myself just how young (and cute) she still is...

Older girl "I am a massive One Direction fan. I've got One Direction pjs, bag, poster and a new t.shirt, are you?"
Sienna "No, I am a Brave (the film) fan, I've got a Brave doll and dress and bow and arrow and I would really like her gold slippers"!

The older girl just really didn't know where to go with this one!!!

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