
By mrsanf

Evening sunlight

The sun breaking through the clouds as it begins to disappear behind our neighbours wall shone a rather bright white light over the garden this evening, everything seems to glow. These daisy flowers are so cheery and seem to stretch towards the light to get as much of the sun's goodness as they possibly can.

Not had much time today to think about getting a blip, been a busy day predominately doing some refresher training on our new IT system with a couple of groups of people - can hardly believe we've been using the system for 3 months now!

I am generally a glass half full person and don't let things get me down or spend too much time stewing and worrying about things, I look for the good or positive and try and make things work for the majority.....was pushed today by a wall of negativity. Good job I've got a lot of support round me and want to try and make things easier for these people otherwise I may have just given up and left them to stumble about.

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