The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Little owls and beautiful butterflies ..

I had a groundhog day morning .......

Nipped out towards the wolds and drove past the tree I saw the little owl in a few weeks ago, but never since .. but .. there he was! He was very tolerant and allowed me to photograph him for about an hour - and probably would have stayed longer were it not for the $%$$%$%$@£$ farmer who stopped his incredibly loud tractor right between me and the owl to ask 'Seen owt interesting, love?' .. strangely, the little owl had had enough and off he went ..

But not before making some very funny faces!

After the poor owl had hopped around to the other side of his tree I went to a butterfly area - it was incredible, absolutely heaving with all sorts of butterflies - like this painted lady - I don't think I've ever seen one before ..

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