Particles & Waves

By EdwardFenner

Emergency Measures on the GO Train

We had a fatality on the GO commuter train home today. A "tresspasser" pedestrian was hit and killed by our train so we had to sit and wait until the situation is attended to. That means at least a two-hour wait for transit folk, police, paramedics, and the coroner to arrive and perform their duties. However, we were a mile from any roads so everyone came up and over a fence on an embankment via commandeered ladders from residences.

On the train, the CSA (Customer Service Ambassador, who handles the doors, on-train emergencies, and numerous other activities) David kept folks calm and updating them on the PA system and reading from scripts for just such emergencies. At left is William the director of safety and security for GO Transit who happens to ride our train regularly. He helped passengers as did David (this was his first such event) - both did a fine job. David and the engine crew were all replaced at the next station (Maple) for debriefing and counselling.

Most of the passengers were fine. A few were anxious. Some didn't quite get the idea that nobody is permitted to leave the train for any reason until the police release the scene. Others shared water and snacks. We kept in perspective that we may be inconvenienced but the folks on the outside have a lot of grim business to deal with and that one person was not going home again - and that his or her family will soon get the terrible news.

More photos on my facebook.

My colleague who was due to catch the train behind us instead found the train stopped with everyone getting off at York University Station - all 1200 or more of them! At night, during the summer, only about 6-10 might get off here!

Other GO Transit blips.

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