What Do You Call A Group Of Blippers?

I had too many wildlife images to choose from today and so the best of them are now in my portfolio (Peacock and buddleia), (Greenbottle and Valerian) (Tradescantia and Hoverfly).

I was in the town centre this lunchtime at All Saints Café, sitting outside this historic building. A group of young Chinese students visiting Britain appeared and promptly got out smart phones, tablets and cameras to capture the scene.

It made me smile to remember my first camera, a Brownie which went with me on school trips. How mean I was with each exposure, thinking of the cost of film and processing. I am grateful for digital photography!

Now, here's the thing - what do you call a group of blippers? A bunch? A mob? A cohort or maybe a 'click' of blippers? If you have any ideas please do share them.

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