The Hope - detail

Had to chauffeur folk around to Hoxa tapestry, and tea room today. Then on to Herston. The weather improved as the day went on. Spent some time in the Hoxa tea room watching the rain pour onto Orphir. Then into Kirkwall for a bit of light shopping. My mother added to the excitement by losing one of her own ear rings in Sheila Fleet's shop. I didn't join in with the consuming. No, I stayed with the taxi and read T. G. Dermot's guide to the Flora of Cape Verde Isles (Published by Haddo and Haddo 1932).. One hell of a strong story line.

Home to Creel HQ for CMC's fish pie with steamed calabraise. Followed by CMC's raspberry sponge.

We are also about to attack the 12 year old Glendronach. It's hedonism writ large.

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