
By Grandmama

"Undertake an image manipulation design brief

Finished the Advanced Photoshop Course today and just about managed to complete this last assignment, although with great difficulty, as everything seemed to be against me. Coloured ink ran out for my printer, ordered a new one which only arrived after I got home from the Course! I'd missed a week when I was on holiday and had a lot of catching up to do, but got there in the end, as Alison ( our tutor) wrote in her comments!
The Design Brief I chose was to produce a set of 4 Themed Photographic Designs for a Charity's Stationery Outlet which had to include 4 blank cards, 4 Matching Gift Tags and a Gift Bag -all using our own photos.
I've thoroughly enjoyed the two Courses on PS Elements and have now signed up for Digital Scrapbooking in September. The group of people have been great fun and, because we're all going to miss the Thursday afternoon get-together, we've arranged to still meet up each week for a cuppa until the next Course starts.
Thanks, Alison, for being a very patient and understanding Tutor. Thanks, also for the Champers and cake you brought this afternoon to celebrate the end of the Course! Nice touch!

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