Twit twoo

Busy day at work again, somehow only sat in front of my computer for about an hour so it will be another busy one again tomorrow. Got bought lunch by a client though so can't complain.

Then off to nan's with dinner in a bag for a much needed catch up. The conversation went as it does every week. Her moaning about the neighbours. How she loves the tree in the gap between the two houses opposite. How it is funny that me mum and herself all have solitaire engagement rings. And how she feels old and she never has up until the last few weeks (she has said that for the last three years). And I lost count how many times she said 'I like it, it's different isn't it' and 'but it makes all the difference.'

Got to love her though. She's my Nan.

No Vienetta tonight managed to say 'no'. She looked mortally offended!

This is the owl in my nan's kitchen, I have loved it since I was little.

Changing the subject completely:

What do you call a man on a tractor shouting: "the world is going to end!"?


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