Toadally Mad

By toadally


We made a trip into Wales yesterday to visit two of my mother's cousins. Here's my niece, my Mum's cousin Myra, my sister and Mum's cousin Joan. My grandfather was the oldest brother of Myra & Joan's mother Vera. Contact was lost with their side of the family after WW2 and it wasn't made again until last summer when Mr T and I went on a family history search to the Rhondda in Wales.

Through Myra we have found 15 of my mother's living cousins (whom she never knew). So far I have physically met 7 of them and have been in telephone contact with two more (in France and Australia). Sadly, many more have passed on and we can only hear about them. Because they all thought my Grandmother and Mum had died in the Blitz, they all shared the memorabilia between them. We took lots of photos of photos and heard family stories about my grandfather (who died in 1922 after losing a leg in WW1) and great grandparents. My great grandfather was killed in a pit accident (roof fall) in 1925 which was a terrible blow to the family of his wife and 8 remaining children.

It's difficult these days to comprehend just how tough life must have been back then. We are truly lucky, as even in the credit crunch we have roofs over our heads and food in our mouths.

Backblipped for Tuesday: My lovely sister Sarah

and Wednesday: My lovely niece Zoe

Internet connection is not very good so posting and commenting will be erratic over the next week - sorry!

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