Letters to a soldier

By Jessie0908

Birthday girl

So today is my birthday!!!!
I'm 22 years old today.

I've been so spoilt by everyone. These are most of my presents but I've still got some to come from some of my family that I haven't had time to see today.

My favourite presents of today were from my boyfriend; a weekend in hotel including trains, meals, hotel, tickets to the London dungeons and tickets to see Matilda. My brother and his girlfriend got me tickets to see the Lion King in London too and my mum and dad in law got me a Kindle so I've been so spoilt. As well as this I got money, pjs, a scrap book and a teddy and lots more!
So lucky.

I've also been able to share some amazing news with my family today and that is that I'm pregnant. I had my midwife appointment a couple of days ago and it looks like everything is going well. My scan is booked for a month away so I will know more when I get to that.

I'm so so blessed to have the life I do and to have such a loving supportive family behind me.

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