Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


My BFF(Best friend forever) wanted to send some time with her grandson, Parker, at the island. Here they are- tired out after a 4 hour kayak to go watch the seals and their new babies on a nearby island. P’s parents (the Dad and my son were childhood friends, skiing and camping and sailing together)are also here and R and I have had lots of “girl time” as well. We met 40 + years ago when our children were small and played together in the neighborhood. We share our trials and tribulations over coffee, laugh a lot, cry, gossip, complain, commiserate over this aging process, travel together, and just hang out comfortably. She has a huge extended family and lots of step this and that so there always seems to be some family crises. (I’m a good listener.) But listening to her social schedule with family and friends and colleagues makes me anxious as I like solitude and quiet. She can listen to absolutely anything - she's a retired drug/alcohol therapist and has heard it all. I never worry bout being careful. It's so nice to have someone like this in my life! Her art is cooking so I definitely benefit from this (she just cooked 3 super great dinners!) and she always likes to play in the studio here too. I’ve tried (and failed) to teach her to row my boat, We’ve had a great visit and I’m really sorry she has to leave a day before her son and his family. (another family crisis!) And I’m really tried from all the activity.

Today we had the local wireless internet service come over, climb 95 feet up a tree to place a receiver for the internet. I have to get the right cord for my computer (and a router) and we might be in business --It would be nice not to take 3 tries to post a blip and to actually look at your links and flickr or other photos.....

Edit: I changed the picture in the morning as it's all about Randi anyway and I like this typical look. the one with Grandson is HERE.

the whole set with tree climber (men at work!)is here

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