Behind The Eight Ball

*behind the eight ball
1. Fig. in trouble; in a weak or losing position.

That would be me. Eight weeks after shoulder surgery, and the wretched thing still causes me so much pain! I can't put my right hand on my hip, I can't pull up my trousers using my right arm, it hurts to move, it hurts to sleep. So, off to see the doctor again this week. The diagnosis is now "frozen shoulder" with severe inflammation.

A course of a heavy duty anti-inflammatory has been prescribed, along with some sort of vile, slimy gel to be slathered on the affected area four times a day. Oh, and several weeks of physical torture therapy thrown in for good measure.

Why am I especially stiff and sore this morning? Could it be that I forgot to take the pills yesterday? Could it be because, for some reason I chucked the pills in amongst the peaches and onions and limes, instead of putting them in a sensible place where I would have seen them and remembered to take them?

Yes. I am behind the eight ball. Yes, indeed.

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