South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


A sunflower for a not very sunny day, from the arrangement at church. I had to spend ages at the Clavinova with my guitar, playing through the songs for the children's club and trying to work the chords out - took far longer than I'd anticipated, but I quite enjoyed it. I wonder when the song folder will be found?!

Cooked a roast lunch today - using the non-mouldy potatoes. They were only delivered last Monday and half had grown mould on the outside - ugh! I shall be asking for my money back on those, as they were stored carefully in a proper potato bag. Anyway! The lunch was much enjoyed, so it was okay in the end.

The weather has been quite grey and cool today. The sun is trying to break through this evening - ah, has just succeeded! I'm afraid I won't be going out for a walk, though, as I just feel a bit too tired to make the effort :-)

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