the turk returns

By skyedog



`Snippets of daydreams and writings`

On the road to Damascus, when i stopped of at Old Jerusalem Town,
where i posted a note on the `wall`, i left a postscript,
`no rush to reply`.

I found myself drifting into a daydream of sorts. Staring out into the
vastness that was once `The` holy land.Images of a land littered with the souls of the dead, and yet a calming aura clearly shone on the horizon.
The dusty trail leading to the city gate is littered with palms, trodden
into the dirt by happenings long, long ago.

I pondered on this troubled land, hearing echoes of voices past, speaking
a long forgotten language,...of war and strife,...of love and hate,..
of peace and hope,....and a gentle soul, who dared to `believe`.
Words carved in stone, long faded by the passing of time, rewritten
time and time again, to suit the needs of those in power.

The sun is descending below the horizon, as the Shepard boy settles his
flock, as the chilly breeze comes flowing through the air.

I was awoken by the gentle hand of a stranger, who glowed like a
bright white light, he handed me a note and gently smiled.

`Your time is at end my friend`.

(written and rewritten and written again, not sure what it means,
maybe something , maybe nothing,...just daydreams.)
The blip image, i tried to connect it in some way with the above,
not sure if it works or will have to decide yourselves.


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