
Back home and a walk along the canal to find that an Independent Socialist Scotland has sprung up behind a fence along the canal. It was noteworthy, I felt, that the word independent had been defaced on the signs. I think that socialists left behind on this side feel that those on the other side aren't actually independent. It may just be a puppet client state of the foul Venezuelans or something. Or are there people that still think that people the world over shall 'brithers' be? (With apologies for the historical sexism).
Don't get me wrong, I'm in favour of utopia as much as the next philosopher. And to prove it, I had hand-dived scallops for my tea. None of the clam-dredged stuff that the Spaniards trawl for, destroying the marine ecosystem for miles around. Yes indeed. That's exactly what I mean.
Nationalism in Europe? Wasn't that a horror show? Ah, but memories are short. Populists and bandwagons.

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