Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

The Cats Winter Bed

The cat has now recovered sufficiently to be her old self again, meowing loudly, demanding food, walking over the Mistress all night long, and generally getting into mischief at every opportunity. The Mistress is so relieved as she's never seen the Cat so sick. We backblipped The Patient yesterday.

This is the Igloo. It has an electric blanket in it, and the blanket gets turned on at the start of Winter. The Mistress knows when to turn it on as the cat starts sitting outside it and meowing as soon as it gets cold. When it gets warmer, the cat stops going in there, and it gets turned off for the Summer months. Then she sleeps in teh sun on the chair on a beautiful blanket that The Mistress's daughter got for her 21st. The Mistress has tried to put it away several times, but each time the cat sits ouside the cupboard and yells until it gets put back on the chair again. I wish I was that spoilt. I don't get an electric blanket in my padded cell bag!

The mistress is feeling a lot better today so hopefully things can start returning to normal.

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