
Milton Jones.
Well yes, funny. But I saw him 15 years ago, and wasn't it the same act? Or not?
Is that what comedians do? I suppose it is. Find your schtick, and work it. It's a good one though, especially if you believe the man behind me who burst his spleen/pissed his pants/caused his eyes to bleed, laughing so hard. But my pants were dry.

Look Back In Anger.
I thought this was about a disaffected angry working class man and his
rather impassive posh missus.
Call me a dull fuck, and plenty of people do, but surely it's best if
How do you now what the fuck is meant to be going on? Surely it's important that someone, please anyone be working class in this. Oh it's from Oxford University.
Good thing daddy had the flat in Edinburgh empty over the fest, eh?

Dart Wives.
Class. Well acted, well observed, well funny.
Yes, there's loads to laugh about the bitchy world of pro dart wives, but I liked
the slightly darker side of power in relationships. Who calls the shots?
And I didn't once have that slightly embarrassed feeling you can get at live performances. Loved this. Sharp and funny.

Top tips: Get the children's menu at the seated George Street bit. Go for the Merguez sausage and chips. Don't for fuck's sake go for the shite Curry in a kilt. Load of tasteless bollocks. Twice the price and half the size.

Pick up your tickets from the little machine just inside the Assembly rooms. There's no-one ever there. I had to queue for a hour at the mound.

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