
By DaveWhitecliff

The Struggle to Kirkstone

Sunday morning dawns to the sound of steady rain in Grasmere. Leyla and I assess the situation over a cooked breakfast, swim for an hour, and then invoking the spirit of DCI Gene Hunt we fire up the Quattro and take the scenic route home.

There is a road from Ambleside to Kirkstone Pass that has various warning signs at the Ambleside end, basically saying it is too steep for any vehicle other than rocket-cars. And the local name for the road is The Struggle.

Usually we're in these parts driving our old campervan, a fine vehicle but not very fond of hills at all. But on this trip me & L had requisitioned the Audi, which quite conveniently decides for itself just how many rockets should be attached to each wheel, several times per second. And behold, it was no struggle at all.

This then is the view of Kirkstone Pass road, from The Struggle.

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