
By Cully

Wedding dress mayhem once again.

Today we left Mum at home and me and the bridesmaid went to another two bridle shops. We came across the one dress I liked from the last shop in my size and I rather liked it and a lovely head band to match. But still not hundred per cent and the lady was a little crazy.

So we then ventured to the next shop which was inside Beatties. I literally had to jump into the most tiny dresses imaginable, strung up like a piece of meat and then made to stand on a box where about five assistants 'ummed and 'arred as to whether it suited my shape despite all the dresses being three sizes too small. To be fair the assistant who prised me into them was lovely and we got a chocolate and champagne but I was a sweaty mess by the end of it.

Still haven't found 'the one'. Better look next time.

You can't take photos of the dresses so here are two strange little dress making dummies.

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