
By Cully

Jo and Jons big day

Wow! What a wedding.

We all had high expectations for this wedding as we have heard so much about it but it still blew us away.

The wedding was held in the Brides Parents back garden in a huge beautiful tipi style marque with a separate bell tent for the bridle suite, complete with wrought iron bed, furniture, hamper etc. After the biggest hog roast I have ever seen, profiteroles and pick and mix we watched some amazing fireworks (althought the horses wern't impressed), sat and drank around a firepit inside the tipi, and then danced the night away till the early hours.

The bride looked beautiful albeit a little sober for my liking. The most memorable wedding I have ever been too, thank you for letting us be part of it. I have Alan's apple in my fruit bowl if he wants it back.

Here is the happy couple with the biggest cake I have ever seen!

I decided to start using the my fitness app today. I am allowed 1200 calories. After a modest breakfast, lunch then pig roast with a quadruple helping of crackling, pick and mix and profiteroles and alcohol I reached 3361. minus 367 calories for an hours dancing. It then told me that if I did this everyday I would put on 1 stone 11lbs by September! I would like to say I will be good tomorrow but I have a date with a couple of guys called Miller and Carter and they are dishing up steak!

Oh my word, I nearly forgot to mention - I think I have found 'The One' fanfair please! My Mum and bridesmaid are a little relieved it is all over. Saying that there is time to change my mind, no money has changed hands as yet. It is all a little risky as I haven't tried it on in my size. So to see how it is meant to look my Mum, a skinny size ten on fat days, decide to try it on. It made mine and Claire's day. If it hadn't have been the dress I want to buy, a photo would have been straight on blip. My Dad would have had kittens!

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