A Peach a Day.

By peachyraith


Promo shoot with Michelle who will be starring in Curve's next production of The Beauty Queen of Leenane. The images will be passed on to the designers in colour for artwork and billboards, but I quite like the black and white version of this just for today's blip.

Lovely afternoon meeting Michelle and photographing a variety of looks as her character for the production.

About the play:
"This hysterically comedic, edge-of-your-seat play charts the life of Maureen Folan (played by Michelle), a 40 year old virgin, her relationship with her manipulative mother, and her brush with romance in the mountains of County Galway, Ireland.

When Pato, a middle-aged local man returns from working in England, Maureen’s last chance for love is offered. However, as their relationship flourishes a shocking and disturbing train of events is set in motion…The plot, full of deceptions, secrets and betrayals interspersed with turnabouts, keeps surprising the audience."

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