Ain't misbehavin'

We went to the woods and got a fix of green this afternoon.

It was rather marred by a strange woman having a go at us about our dog - our dog who was being perfectly lovely and well-behaved.

I said she was probably an RSPB warden. (It's an RSPB reserve)Richard thought she was just a nutter. Either way she spoke to us like we were badly behaved school kids and she was a neurotic deputy head teacher with a chip on her shoulder, and that's no way to speak to anyone. It's a good job I was stunned into silence or I might have asked her who the hell she thought she was. We're fairly sure she's not a local - the only other car parked by the entrance came from somewhere in the South East.

I've been going to those woods for years but right now I don't feel like going there again.

Anyway the rest of the day was just fine, and after our walk, Tess and I got the first lot of winter potatoes in the ground (after far too long playing in the dirt... It was a mistake giving her a rake) and then I planted some brassicas.

We started to watch The Mill (drama on C4) together as a family but the teens sloped off and we slowly realised it was all a bit much for Tess to deal with (at only 8).
Big age gaps between kids can be really tricky. I'm always trying to knit everyone together and sometimes wonder whether I should bother.

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