
By samsticks

Goodbyes are Hard (Key Players 6: My Parents)

This blip forms part of my 'Key Players' series which aims to introduce the people that are close to me and influence who I am. None have been more influencial than my parents.

Today we left Weymouth and set off back to Hampshire to get ready for tomorrow's funeral.

Although tomorrow we'll all be saying goodbye to Nanny June and sending her on her way, today I'm sad because I had to say goodbye to my parents for another 16 months. We had a great week with them and, as always, they were amazing and accomodating to various friends and extended family members coming to stay at their place, regardless of the fact that it was forcebly eating their time with us (and particularly Miles). We did a little photoshoot with us all and Miles' other grandparents, but it hurt to have to take their first grandchild out of their arms knowing that they'll not get to cuddle him again until Christmas next year.

He'll be a different lad by then.

I've mentioned before how fortunate my life has been. A large part of this has been because of my parents. Their affection, kindness and wisdom has always been offered in spades, but never forcefully. They allowed me to make (and learn from) my own mistakes, and have always supported me in my decisions.

I sincerely hope that Gina and I can be even half as good parents to Miles as they were to me.

I can't wait to see them again.

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