plan b...

...a cactus flower

battered and forlorn - but hanging in there despite some weather we've been having lately - rain, yes - that is certainly needed, but also severe flash flooding - wiping out roads - washing away people's homes - sweeping into basements - churning up the earth - and causing a mess of the burn scars from recent fires we've endured - the good news with this? people who were declared missing on friday, have been located today - whew... what rejoicing that brings...

and it makes my plan b seem somewhat silly - as i set out this morning - camera in hand to get some shots at my lake - only to arrive, eager to begin walking along the shoreline - began preparing my camera and it won't work for me - boo! took me 2 seconds to figure out my battery was totally run down - oops! i could swear yesterday i had bars left - but you know how that goes, right? i'm certain i'm not the only one this has happened to - yes, i know - perhaps i should keep a back-up - but that requires an extra cost to me, which i cannot afford to cough up at this time - so i had to only gaze longingly at my lake - the surrounding park - knowing there had to be a reason why i wasn't going to be taking pictures there today - trekked back home to recharge the battery pack - summon up plan b... barelygot it figured out - before the rains began - who knows what this poor little cactus flower might look like now - but at least it's my shot for today - one of those rare times i see them on the ridge out back - when i dare to sluge through that which causes me my "stupid rash" - yet so worth it to capture a gem like this - makin' it...


happy day.....

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