Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Frank and Susie's house

Several years ago, I found this unusual bird feeder (I call it a bird house) at a small hardware store in a very small town named Chester. We mounted it on the back deck, filled it with bird seed and waited to see who would show up. We waited, and waited and waited - for several days, then weeks. No birds ever showed up. Over time, the wood became grey, the stones lost their patina. It seemed to be a very lonely bird house indeed.

In this busyness of life, we both forgot about it. Then, early this spring, we noticed two doves sitting on the rail near the bird house. When they saw us watching, they flew away. I immediately went out and filled up the bird feeder with bird seed. The next morning, I noticed them again. Later that day, they came back. They continued to return and made the bird house their own. The larger, strutting dove I named "Frank", and the more demure female, I named "Susie". All spring and summer they have spent most days near the bird house. They have made it their own. And, all during this time, the bird house seems to have taken on a new life - the wood seems brighter, the stones more polished.

Frank and Susie were just lounging around their house this evening. Unfortunately, I needed to get dinner on the grill, so they flew away. But before they left, they gave me permission to take a photo of their house and tell their story.


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