Drying up?

You will note that this tea towel, gift from a good friend and fellow blipper, makes no mention of dusting, vacuuming or other less enjoyable household chores!

The washing has been on the line since just after breakfast, eaten outside in the sun, and is still there now, in the late evening. It has rained since mid morning, off and on, with occasional breaks for half an hour or so. I dithered, should I bring it in, leave it out, the clothes horse is full, where would I put it, leave it till later, it was bound to dry up, but no, it didn't! It bucketed, it got heavier and heavier! We went for a walk in the evening, between showers, and it looked as if it might dry up so I decided to leave it on the line overnight. I've got a feeling it will be going back in the washing machine for another spin tomorrow!

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