At Sea

Up early Juno walked and then of sea kayaking.

It was a lovely day with a strongish westerly wind.

Started off at North Berwick with a low tide which ment lots of skerries to paddle around and investigate.

We headed to Fidra into the wind a bit of a slog with the sea coming at a constant rate.

Landed and had a walk around, the Puffin SOS people were there cutting back the tree mallow. A good chat with them and then we headed back to sea for a beach picnic.

A visit to some caves and a chat ashore.

We then headed to Lamb island. The tide was coming in from the east and the westerly wind battled with the sea state the battleground.

I had to be focused to get round the lee side of the island. Craigleith the next target was changed when the sea got worse and challenging. Head for shore and relax was the command, easire said than done.

A great testing day. Home and some chores and plot checking.

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