Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


The pondlife on the boating lake has gone crazy over the last week or so, and the clear water is now full of weeds - and also a clutch of fluffy ducklings, who scattered as we came by with the scary hound (who was more scared of them!!).

I took this photo into the sun and was surprised when I uploaded it to see the spectral colours. Bet I couldn't do that again if I tried.

Well, less than 48 hours until my mother arrives, and I have cleaned everywhere. Even the car got a good clean; my son was initially reluctant to help out, then I pointed out that in 6 weeks (assuming he passes!) it will be his car too. He was right on the case, he disgustedly threw out all the sweet wrappers and half eaten dog treats, now you could eat your dinner off the dashboard. Just the smelly gerbils left to clean out now. Even the dog has been to the groomers to get rid of the kennel smell.

If you are feeling mellow, don't click on this - a park related tune.

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