
The Perseids meteor shower was at its peak last night.

Wasn't sure it was going to be any good - last year was disappointing to say the least and we had cloud cover earlier in the evening. On that basis I went to the local spanish bar with Corin and got slightly sloshed.

By the time we retreated to the house at midnight, I was staggered to see a number of bright meteors as I sat on the balcony. I sat up till 3.30 am. Sobered up under the stars. It was nice.

250 photos - only 2 with meteors on them but for once, I was more concerned with watching than photographing. Clear skies also meant that the Milky Way became visible after half an hour of my eyes adjusting.

Tonight the skies are thick with cloud - am hoping for a storm. Desperately want a good old fashioned Spanish electrical storm.

I am such a saddo!

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