Funny Story

I bought this canvas carrying case six weeks ago. It's not all that small but was taking up space in the living room. Neither cat has had an interest in it until today. Today I place an ad on Facebook saying it was FREE is anyone wanted it. I had a taker within 5 minutes. So then what happened. Almost immediately each cat took their turn getting in and out of it. At one time they both were in it at the same time. That didn't turn out all that well. I had a video that I took on my ipad but couldn't seem to be able to post it here. Maybe that isn't possible I don't actually know. (Tell me if it can be done and you know how.) So tomorrow the person is going to be picking this lovely little hide out away. What's up with these crazy cats anyway? Oh yes. I didn't realize this until I was ready to post this. Check out the little ceramic dog on the floor behind looking though the window. I thought that was special.

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