
My Gran is now 93 and spends most of her time sleeping. It is impossible to have a conversation with her and she often asks for Tommy (her husband who passed away over 30 years ago). Whenever I visit I am always prepared for the worst but know that somethings never change:

She always wears earrings.
She always wears a necklace.
She always has a copy of the daily local newspaper on her lap even if she doesn't read it.

She was sleeping in her chair when we arrived but soon perked up when she saw the kids, particularly Olivia, who seems to have a natural instinct to cuddle and stroke her. They sat for some time together holding hands when Gran noticed Olivia's sparkly shoes and took a real interest in them. It was a really sweet moment. Dexter, on the other hand wouldn't go to her at all and was more interested in being as noisy as he could as if trying to wake up all the old dears!

From there we all headed to the Metro Centre for some last minute shopping, although I had to be careful due to the weight limit for our flight - grrr!

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