Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Day 7: Mesmerized

And on the 7th day......Well, we went to the OMSI in Portland. My sweet niece came with us on our vacation to see Faraway Gramma & Faraway Grampa and many, many relatives that we don't get to see nearly often enough. She and her cousins sat in front of a giant pinball roller coaster looking apparatus for quite a while - completely mesmerized. I'm thinking of getting one for home. Oh, wait, we already have a TV.

We met my best friend at the museum with her new fiance and their 3 older kids. Since she moved to Vancouver, WA, many years ago it's been a difficult relationship to maintain. We are both bad at picking up the phone and keeping in touch. But once we get together, it's just like old times! Over 25 years of boyfriends, weddings, parents passing away or getting sick, children, moving away, divorce, and new beginnings! I'm so happy that she is finally happy. Her son has grown up to be wonderful human being (who shares an interest in photography!). If she's changed at all, it's only that she accepts change more easily and doesn't let things create stress for her. Or she's better at hiding it! No matter how many wonderful friends I aquire, she will always hold the title Best Friend.

It was wonderful to see her kids get along so well with my kids, in spite of their age difference. They loved the museum, too. We saw an IMAX bug movie and The Beatles laser show. Missed the submarine. Loads of great pictures. Can't wait to scrapbook them (if i ever get done blipping them). My mom took off from work the whole time we were there. We took her with us to Vancouver. The kids loved staying in a motel. They went swimming in the indoor pool. We ate yummy BBQ at my friend's house.

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