Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Dolphins in the Thames

....and the highlight of the week comes around again! The usual inner battle over whether to go paddling or not, it's so tempting to just surrender to the sofa, I made it out though.

The usual coach for Tuesday nights at Pangbourne, Sally, wasn't there tonight and instead we got the centres head coach. I must admit I wasn't too happy at the news, I like Sally and I'd not met this chap, I needn't have worried though - he was exceptionally good. He kept us very busy and pushed me out of the comfort zone and into the areas where I really could use some coaching. I was exhausted by the end of it, a proper work out, but I honestly felt like I'd learned something..oh yes and it was lots of fun, especially the three boat, tight figure of eight, race around the piers of the crumbling Whitchurch Toll Bridge.

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