A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

First photo of the day.
Not quite as sharp as I'd like, but sharpness is overrated*.

Things that have happened recently:
A few minutes after I got on this tram home, I stood up to offer my seat to an elderly passenger.
She declined my offer.
Some people have no manners......

The other night there was a spider in the bathroom. Anne hates spiders.
I did my "rescue the spider and set it free" trick, catching it between a piece of tissue and a cup, and carrying it downstairs to let it escape into the dark cool night.

I stepped into the garden and tipped the cup up to finish the escape plan, and the spider started to fall onto a nearby plant.

At which point Lucy the mad dog used her keen eyesight to full effect, and leapt onto hind legs to catch the spider in her mouth and eat it.
Which she promptly did.

I guess there is a parallel with life in that little story. Or maybe there isn't. Who knows?

*Or maybe sharpness isn't overrated. Again, who knows?

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