
By SteveMcEwanLyon

A Life

It was just a normal day, pottering around the garden and then we all took the cuttings to the tip, got mummy a coffee, dropped her at home and Sophie and I went to the beach with her fishing net, bucket and spade.

We built some sand castles and I then left Sophie and her new friend to continue playing as I sat down a short distance away.

It was only perhaps a couple of minutes later that I happened to look away from Sophie and saw a toddler walking into the sea. I shouted across to her mother and looked straight back to the water to see that the toddler had fallen in.

I raced across the sand and into the water, by the time I got to her she was face down in knee deep water.

Thankfully everything worked out okay and Dr gave her the 'all clear' later.

I'm still on an adrenalin rush. They talk about things happening in slow motion but I'm finding it hard to recollect exactly how I got to her or any of the smaller details. I can only compare it to playing cricket and taking a catch at 1st slip to the fast bowler, you know it happened but it was too fast to remember how.

I believe in fate, so perhaps I was supposed to be sat on the beach this afternoon.

Helping to save a life, wow. Never expected to have been in this position..............

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