Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Day 11: Bowling with the cousins

Today is our last day to play before we leave at 6:00 in the morning tomorrow.

We met our cousins at the bowling alley. What fun! Ben even got a strike! (I'd have blipped him, but his "strike dance" came out too blurry) A few of them even came over on their lunch break to join us. Afterwards, we went to the park to run off some energy.

I helped my mom & dad garden a bit today. It's a losing battle with the weeds (they call it grass) but now they have some defined flower garden plots to keep clear. I found out my dad has a favorite flower: Queen Anne's Lacy. I found some orange agapanthas for my mom. I haven't seen orange ones before - her favorite color! The kids wanted a picture of his cats Cookie & Me Too together - fat chance! We could only get within 20 feet of Me Too.

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