New buddy...

Had internet connection problems yesterday so I will back blip tomorrow.

This is one of Nana's new buddies she was showing them to me & telling everyone about the pictures I take, her favourite is still the FOX. I have not seen Nana so happy for so long in ages, she was talking away & giggling like old times, only getting muddled every now & then. She even had a spring in her step, not complaining about sore knees or how far it was to walk or anything. The only time she got a bit uncertain was when we were leaving, but I think that is more out of habit than anything else. It is wonderful seeing Nana all cheery again.

Mum, R & E picked me up from work today & we had dinner together. It was really lovely, going through there new wildlife & bird books with them. It was really nice spending time with them & I get to do it all again tomorrow, yeh.

Hope you have a good night.

Shona :0)

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