Cake .....

.... night.

This evening has been cake night at my house, the usual crowd turned up and tonight's cakes of choice were Jamaican ginger, French fancies and some Thornton's mini caramel shortcakes all washed down with jasmine tea.

Mini Pea is getting very close to walking unaided now and she enjoyed chewing on a durian fruit sausage in between walking attempts.

After all the ladies had headed home myself, Mr M and Mr P worked our way through some of the more unusual liqueurs in my collection and managed to almost empty the Limoncella and De Kuyper Crème de bananes. add in the durian sausage and a pair of joke glasses ( modelled by Mr P ) and this is the result. So today's blip is this week's .....

..... Cake night.

Post script :

Thank you for all the comments on my blips over the last few days, I've not had much online time this week so am a bit behind on replying to comments but they are all very much appreciated. I will do my best to catch up over the next few days.

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