Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Say Cheese :D

Looking back at what I have achieved today, it would appear that I have been on a mission!!

DM was picked up at 9am and taken to help her Auntie with the chucks, ducks and her horse. Whilst I was left at home with R, P & Aj. The 3 girls all played nicely with a variety of toys whilst I cleaned the bathroom, put a load of washing on and hung out 3 loads of washing.

I managed to get some ironing done too - 3 baskets to be exact ;). To my friends I often refer to my ironing pile as a lodger, it towers over everything and won't shift. I took photographs of it to use for my blip pic, but couldn't bring myself to using them. I enjoy ironing, as I have a great sense of achievement knowing there are clean, ironed clothes in our wardrobes for us all to wear, but it's getting the time to do it all, when I have the girls to play with and lots of other mummy chores.

I made the girls lunch, enjoyed lunch together and then put Aj down for her nap. Apparently, that's when the naughty fairies came and spread 3 boxes of toys and dressing up all over the lounge, hall & toy room. The girls assured me it wasn't them! I wasn't too cross, as they all played lovely - with a bit of bossing from DM "I'm the cat and you say what would you like to eat kitty cat" or "I'm the Mom (I write it with the o as that's how she says it), you're the fairy and you say thank you Mom" . I lie listening to their talk, so many times I hear myself in them and then others I'm chuckling to myself wondering who they've picked up that comment from.

By 2.15pm, I had lost all sight of my carpet and set the girls a task of finding it with a reward of a Freddo ;) Half an hour later, the carpet was still nowhere in site and they'd all decided they much preferred playing than tidying. I ended up having to set a timer for 10 minutes (with R asking every minute, "Have we only got one minute left now Mummy?) Luckily by the time the timer had finished, I could see carpet!

They had their chocolate, emptied the boxes again and played some more.

With all the toys the girls have got, they spent most of the time filling handbags with the toys from the junk drawer which mainly has party bag toys or happy meal toys!

Auntie Carcar joined us for dinner, I quickly hoovered upstairs before the girls went to bed.

I then nipped to Totstime and get set up for our Play Session tomorrow. After that, I came home, had a cuppa and set to another couple of hours ironing!

So, 3 baskets of ironing later, 7 loads of washing, 1 clean bathroom, 4 beautiful girls sleeping, one husband snoring beside me and one shattered lil old me later, I'm off to bed to rest before we do it all again ........ How many sleeps till school starts back?!?!?! ;)

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