Headphonaught's 365

By headphonaught

cameras (208/365)

I've become more & more obsessed with photography over the last year or so... and the cameras pictured represent my "kit" so far... along with a "special" camera.

On the left is my Nikon D60... a camera I have only scratched the surface with.

On the right is my Polaroid camera... which I bought *boxed* in a charityshop in Motherwell for £4. Film is expensive... but looks so cool.

In the middle... at the front... is my 1st gen iPhone. Some people think the iphone's camera is crap but with some nice filters it produces really nice imagery, IMHO.

Lastly, in the middle... at the back... is my grandfather's Ensign All Distance camera from the early 1930s. I would love to get it working... as a tribute to my *papa*. One day.

Only thing missing is a 35mm Holga... that I just bought today from eBay.

I hope my blips will demonstrate my journey with this kit.


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