Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

At least £5 richer today!

I invented a new game yesterday, but I don’t think it’ll catch on…

I had another big win measly £25 on the Premium Bonds, and ripped apart the two bits - the cheque and the notice - as per usual. I shredded the notice.

But I hadn’t shredded the notice. I had shredded the cheque.

It was like that scene in Argo, where the kids had to piece together the shredded photos (only this was a bit easier!). I now have it glued together and will sign it and pop it in the Quick Deposit envelope and scarper. It’s still legal tender. Right?

Over the last few days I had noticed a slight, very slight, smell of gas in the stairwell. Always forgot about it as soon as I was in the flat. Then last night the neighbour mentioned it as well. Rang the gas folk and they treated it like an emergency and told me not to light any cigarettes in the vicinity. A chap came round within half an hour with a long pointer thingy attached to a magic box which lit up alarmingly and buzzed. He found the tiny wee leak in one of the joints. The blokes are here now fixing it. Glad I didn't don’t smoke!

Got on with indoor tasks - ordered a spare battery and a new printer cartridge, and my new camera is now insured. Talking of new cameras, I took it out for a whirl this afternoon. It’s the best fun, being able to point a camera at whacky people doing daft things. In fact, they expect you to point a camera at them!

I’ve never seen so many huge lenses! I’m still waiting for someone to say to me,

‘Wow! You’ve got the new Pen E-P5!!’

These dancers were fabulous. SO energetic. There were about ten of them. They had several changes of costume and played instruments as well. They got a couple of folk up to do that Gangham style thingie. One of them was a wee girl and she was very good.

I was quite glad they just thanked everyone and told us where their show was. They didn’t ask for money. Just as well, as I might have parted with another fiver!

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