Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

"You sick! You crazy!"

Today we went to Alcatraz ER in the evening, a prison hospital themed bar. On arrival I was told told "you sick, you crazy!" And handcuffed and made to stand under some flashing lights for a minute for full embarrassment factor. Then we were led to our cell where I remarked that Japanese health care appeared very different to Scottish healthcare. All in all an expensive night and not very good cocktails (experiment, russian roulette, blue blood etc) but fun and different to anything I've seen before. The waitesss actually slapped some customers. When people had shots they gad to stand and take them like medicine. Then be slapped it appears. I wouldn't have liked that. And to be honest I wasn't fully comfortable with it.

We were in an area where all the love hotels are- hotels you pay for a few hours to go with a partner/someone you've just met/anything in between - to have sex. Or "a rest" as it's advertised. I remember learning about these in high school geography.

We should have gone to bed early given we are on a train at 4:30am tomorrow to go to Mount Fuji. However its now 23:19 and I'm still wide awake. Wish me luck!

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