
By cabbagetree


Another nor'wester today! It's starting to look like a normal winter. I had to go out to photograph the mountains. While I was holding onto a fence to keep me from blowing away I looked down and saw this puddle in the wheel ruts by a farm gate. The wind was having fun!

Modern technology can be so frustrating at times. It's fine when it's working, but it can so easily let you down at the worst moments. Today my granddaughter rang me twice and we were cut off both times after a few seconds. She giggled and told me she was at Gatwick Airport waiting for a plane. I knew she was going to Croatia. My frustration and disappointment at being cut off was really bad. She has been away for seven months and I've had two emails from her. I don't expect to hear from her- teenagers have such busy lives. But today she rang me. Still, I did get to hear her giggle.

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