Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics


My silly husband says "what?" every single time I mention my ears or hearing. He never misses an opportunity. I fall for it at least half the time and repeat myself. I swear I'm only around for his entertainment. :)

These things are so incredibly valuable it just amazes me. In the past five years, I've been losing my hearing quite quickly. Three years ago, after two failed surgeries to restore my hearing, I got my first hearing aid. Then this past year my other ear lost 20 more decibels and I got another. I am very fortunate that hearing aids will always help me hear since my nerves are good.

But it just amazes me every night when I take them out how quiet my world is. Too quiet. Can't hear my husband snore. Can't hear the bathroom fan motor. Can't hear the chattering mocking birds outside. My husband likes our bedroom completely dark at night. I told him I feel like Helen Keller! lol I take for granted all day long all the sounds I can hear with the help of these things. I wonder if I should learn sign language; I might need it sometime.

There have been some very cool benefits to wearing these. They are a bluetooth. I can connect it to a transmitter and get music from a mp3 player. With the push of a button, I can block out unwanted noises or turn people down if I want! Very handy on a bus loaded with 50 second graders.

Deafness seems to be a hidden handicap sometimes. I just thought I'd picture it today.

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