The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bye bye little fella...

Paul's faithful companion for the past fourteen years. He has had a good life, definitely having more lives than a cat given all the scrapes he has got himself in to. Over the years he has been accidentally run over, knocked out with a cricket bat, he's chewed through a hedge trimmer cable and electrocuted himself, been attacked by a little black dog and subsequently by two big Alsatians, eaten far too many wasps and dropped some very stinky farts. In fact, this evening the fartometer was off the scale with the nasty whiffs coming from his behind!

Sadly, today was his last day with us. Over the last few months his health and quality of life have significantly deteriorated. He found his solitude surrounded by Lottie, Pippa, Paul and I and in his little garden. Now he is in a better place...barking at everything and anything that moves, playing with tennis balls and carrying rocks. His favourite past times. Goodbye little fella. I'll never forget the first time we met...when you bounced about in Dad's car like a naughty little puppy dog! Sleep tight.x

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