In Memorium

I haven't biked home past the Barbados St Cemetery for a while and decided to make this my blip place today.

Long ago Barbados St cut the cemetery in half. Over the years vandals have had a go and now it's hard to tell what damage is earthquakes and what isn't.

But the daffodils are hinting they'll bloom in the next week or so and the council keeps it neat and trim. Few if any graves are tended now though a couple have some aging plastic flowers on them. I wonder if anyone remembers?

I was part way into my massage when I felt the ebbing power of the afternoon's 6.6 quake at the top of the south island. The distant ones have a different quality and immediately I thought Wellington. It's the first I've felt from the Marlborough sequence but I was in a part of town with different land.

It's rough. We know. Kia kaha, be strong.

Yesterday's Prince of Waltham surveying his realm.

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