An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Young Trees and Grass at Homington

Sun's broken through, after heavy rain, earlier. The village of Homington stands on the River Ebble (great name for a river, eh?), about four miles south slightly west of Salisbury.

These (I think they are young willows) line one side of the road that crosses the river's flood plain. Have taken shots here before (before Blip) and the wider the lens the better, as here, with the Nikkor 10-24mm.

I wanted to make it a slightly infra-red effect. Quite a lot of selective dodging and burning as the image was high contrast with sharp shadows. Look closer in LARGE.

To my surprise, both my modest and minor Cathedral Blips over the past two days managed to slip into the spotlight - many thanks, as always to all who got them there.

So, it is Friday again and a belt of heavy rain tomorrow, I feel perhaps a music gig shot for tomorrow's... Everybody have a great Friday night and weekend as well!

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